Sie sind hier: Startseite Lehre Frühere Veranstaltungen Universität Freiburg Distributed Systems SS12 Lecture Distributed Systems

Lecture Distributed Systems

Christian Schindelhauer and Georg Lausen

Special Lecture Information Systems


  • 18.04.2012 Web-site online
  • 11.10.2012 Inspection of the exam


After an introduction into the world of distributed systems, the following key topics will be discussed.

  • System models
  • Networks and Communications
  • Time and global states
  • Consistency and coordination
  • distributed transactions
  • replication

Based on this, the lecture will present specialized, current topics, which may originate from the following areas.

  • Mobile Distributed Systems
  • Distributed web-based systems
  • Distributed Multi-Threading
  • Peer-to-peer networks



  • Christian Schindelhauer and Georg Lausen
    • Monday, 10:00 - 12:00 c.t., room 101-00-010/014
    • Friday, 14:00 - 15:00 c.t., room 101-00-010/014

Exercise classes

  • Friday, 04.05.2012,18.05.2012,08.06.2012 (Christian Ortolf) 14:00 - 16:00 c.t., room 101-00-010/014
  • Friday, 22.06.2012,06.07.2012,20.07.2012 (N.N.) 14:00 - 16:00 c.t., room 101-00-010/014


For this lecture a forum is available. Here, substantive and organizational questions can be discussed. A registration is not necessary. 


Lecture slides

  • 1. Introduction, Motivation, Organization, 23.04.2012 (pdf, last change 26.04.0212)
  • 2. System Models, 27.04.2012 (pdf, last change 26.04.0212)
  • 3. Time and Global States, 30.04.,07.05.2012 (pdf, last change: 13.05.0212)
  • 4. Coordination and Agreement, 11/14/20/24.05.2012 (pdf, last change 24.05.2012)
  • 5. Distributed Routing 03.06.2012 (pdf, last change 02.06.2012)
  • Organisation of part II, 11.06.2012 (pdf, last change 11.06.2012) 
  • 6: Transactional Distributed Systems 11.06.2012 (pdf, last change 11.06.2012)


  • 23.04.2012 Chapter 1: Introduction, motivation, organization (mp4)
  • 27.04.2012 Chapter 1: introduction, motivation, organization, chapter 2: system models (mp4)
  • 30.04.2012 Chapter 2: System Models: system models, chapter 3: time and global states (mp4)
  • 07.05.2012 Chapter 3: Time and Global States: Lamport clocks and consistent cuts (mp4)
  • 11.05.2012 Chapter 3: Time and Global States: failure models, synchronization (mp4)
  • 14.05.2012 Chapter 4: Coordination and agreement: mutual exclusion, election (mp4)
  • 21.05.2012 Chapter 4: Coordination and agreement: election and multicast (mp4)
  • 25.05.2012 Chapter 4: Coordination and agreement: consensus (mp4)
  • 03.06.2012 Chapter 5: Distributed Routing (mp4)
  • 11.06.2012 Chapter 6: Transactional Distributed Systems (mp4)

Exercise sheets

  • 30.04.2012 Exercise 01: (pdf)
  • 14.05.2012 Exercise 02: (pdf)
  • 01.06.2012 Exercise 03: (zip)
  • 15.06.2012 Exercise 04


A written closed-book exam will be held on Tuesday, 18.09.2012 10:00 in room 101-01-009/13. Participants must register online via HIS.


  • Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, Jean Dollimore, George Coulouris, Tim Kindberg, 3rd edition, Pearson Studium, 2002.
  • Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, Andrew Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen, 2nd edition, pearson Studium, 2007
  • Transactional Information Systems, G. Weikum, G. Vossen, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.
  • Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M.Z. Üzsu, P. Valduriez, 3rd edition, Springer, 2001. 

Further references will be published here during the lecture.

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