Sie sind hier: Startseite Lehre Frühere Veranstaltungen Universität Freiburg Seminar: Applied Cyber-Security, Stability, and Coding Theory (Sommer 2016)
Seminar: Applied Cyber-Security, Stability, and Coding Theory (Sommer 2016) kopiert.

Seminar: Applied Cyber-Security, Stability, and Coding Theory

Joint seminar of Prof. Dr. Schindelhauer, Dr. Amir Alsbih, and Dr. Sven Köhler


  • 12.04.2016: Website is online
  • 20.04.2016: 6pm, room 101-01-016. First meeting and assignment of topics 


  • 20.04.2016: Registration and begin


We discuss up-to-date questions of Applied Cyber-Security, Stability, and Coding Theory. Topics will be announced asap. This seminar is divided in three section.

  1. Cyber-Security (Alsbih)
    1. IT access management solutions: strengths, weaknesses and challenges
    2. Multi-factor authentication:  strengths, weaknesses and challenges
    3. Docker: secure operation concepts
    4. Development tools (continuous integration, deployment, and delivery): strengths, weaknesses and challenges
    5. Cloud platforms  (Amazon vs. Google vs. Microsoft vs. Digital Ocean): strengths, weaknesses and challenges
    6. API gateways: strengths, weaknesses and challenges
    7. Docker: application concepts (management of containers, monitoring, secure provisioning of credentials,...)
  2. Self-Stabilization (Köhler)
    1. Mutual Exclusion
    2. Spanning Tree Construction
    3. Edge Monitoring
    4. Maximal Triangle Decomposition
  3. Coding Theory (Schindelhauer)
    1. Computation in Galois fields
    2. Reed Solomon Codes
    3. Hamming Codes
    4. Even-Odd Codes
    5. Row-Diagonal Parity Codes
    6. Raid-6 Liberation Codes
    7. Low Density Parity Check Codes
    8. Tornado Codes
    9. Luby Transform Codes
    10. Online Codes
    11. Raptor Codes


Name Topic Supervisor Date
Lubitz, Michael IT access management solutions Alsbih June 8th
Nejati Moharrami, Mojtaba API gateways Alsbih June 15th
Ratzkowski, Felix Docker: application concepts Alsbih June 15th
canceled Cloud platforms Alsbih ---
canceled Multi-factor authentication Alsbih ---
canceled RASP Alsbih ---
canceled Computation in Galois fields Schindelhauer ---
canceled Raptor Codes Köhler/Schindelhauer ---
Ziaja, Claudia Kleptography Köhler July 6th
Lubitz, Michael IT access management solutions Alsbih July 6th
Dobler, Janosch Bitcoin Schindelhauer July 13th
Tritschler, Dennis Self-Stabilizing Mutual Exclusion Köhler July 13th

Written Reports

Submit your written report (max. 5 pages) until two weeks before your talk.


Registration online with the University system.


  • Wednesday, 12.04.2016, 6pm - 8pm, building 101, room 01-016



It is necessary that each participants gives one presentation and a written report. Grading is based on the

  • Written thesis
  • Presentation and interaction in the seminar 


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