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Seminar Practical Aspects of Network Security

In this seminar we discuss current topics of network security. It is a joint seminar of Dr. Alsbih and Prof. Schindelhauer.

Joint seminar of Dr. Amir Alsbih and Prof. Dr Christian Schindelhauer


  • 16.06.2014 presentations shifted to 30.06.2014
  • 11.04.2014 web pages online
  • 28.04.2014 registration closed


  • 28.04.2014 Registration and begin
  • 30.06.2014 Short presentations (10 minutes)
  • 11.07.2014 Deadline for written thesis (5-10 pages)
  • Saturday, 02.08.2014, Block seminar 10am-5pm, (30 minutes presentation)


We discuss up-to-date questions of IT security in enterprises. Topics will be announced asap.

  1. Diana Das Angeloose: Jekyll on iOS: When Benign Apps Become Evil
  2. Markus Weiß: An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System
  3. Ezequiel Primo: Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space
  4. Sabine Rogg: Static Detection of Access Control Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
  5. Felix Thein: Gone in 360 Seconds: Hijacking with Hitag2
  6. Ekaterina Stepanova: My Software has a Vulnerability, should I Worry?
  7. Johannes Kern: Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning  Approach
  8. Simon Ebner: All Your Clouds are Belong to us – Security Analysis of Cloud Management Interfaces
  9. Iman Dabbaghi Divshali: Enabling Security in Cloud Storage SLAs with CloudProof
  10. Mallikarjun Nuti: Software Migration Project Cost Estimation using  COCOMO II and Enterprise Architecture Modeling
  11. Parupalli Ujwala: On the Feasibility of Utilizing Security Metrics in Software-Intensive Systems



Registration online with the University system.


For this lecture a forum is available. Here, substantive and organizational questions can be discussed. A registration is not necessary. 


  • First meeting
    • Monday, 15.04.2013, 6pm-8pm, room 101-01-016
  • First presentations
    • Monday, 30.06.2014, 6pm-8pm, room 101-01-016 (if necessary also on 07.07.2014 same time, same room)
      • Diana Das Angeloose: Jekyll on iOS: When Benign Apps Become Evil
      • Markus Weiß: An Analysis of the Anonymity in the Bitcoin System
      • Ezequiel Primo: Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space
      • Sabine Rogg: Static Detection of Access Control Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
      • Felix Thein: Gone in 360 Seconds: Hijacking with Hitag2
      • Ekaterina Stepanova: My Software has a Vulnerability, should I Worry?
      • Johannes Kern: Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning  Approach
      • Simon Ebner: All Your Clouds are Belong to us – Security Analysis of Cloud Management Interfaces
      • Iman Dabbaghi Divshali: Enabling Security in Cloud Storage SLAs with CloudProof
      • Mallikarjun Nuti: Software Migration Project Cost Estimation using  COCOMO II and Enterprise Architecture Modeling
      • Parupalli Ujwala: On the Feasibility of Utilizing Security Metrics in Software-Intensive Systems
  • Block seminar
    • Saturday, 02.08.2014, 10am-5pm, room 101-01-016
      • 10:00 Markus Weiß: An Analysis of the Anonymity in the Bitcoin System
      • 10:45 Ezequiel Primo: Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space
      • 11:30 Sabine Rogg: Static Detection of Access Control Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
      • 12:15 Felix Thein: Gone in 360 Seconds: Hijacking with Hitag2
      • 13:00-14:00 Lunch break
      • 14:00 Johannes Kern: Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning  Approach
      • 14:45 Simon Ebner: All Your Clouds are Belong to us – Security Analysis of Cloud Management Interfaces
      • 15:30 Iman Dabbaghi Divshali: Enabling Security in Cloud Storage SLAs with CloudProof


It is necessary that each participants gives two presentations and a written report. Grading is based on the

  • Written thesis (deadline 11.07.2014)
  • Presentation and interaction in the seminar 


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