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Lab Course Wireless Sensor Networks (Winter 2017) kopiert.

Praktikum Wireless Sensor Networks

Lab Course Wireless Sensor Networks -- Prof. Reindl and Prof. Schindelhauer

In this lab course (Praktikum), you will be introduced to hard- and software layers of wireless sensor networks. The participants will develop their own wireless sensor network as part of this course. It is advised, that you brush up your knowledge of C and C++.

The hardware platform for development will be a Raspberry 2 running Arch Linux with an IMU (MPU 9250), Environmental Sensor (BME 280), and an Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04).

Participants will work in groups of 3 ot 4 students.

The lab course will be conducted by 



  • 13.10.2017: Webseite is online


  • Fridays (starting 20.10.2017), 14:15-18:00, in 106-01-007



The Raspberry Pi is available from the library at the Faculty of Engineering.

Bringing you own laptop is strongly encouraged!


[20.10.2017]: Introduction (Raspberry Pi, Arch Linux)

[27.10.2017]: History of Sensor Nodes

[03.11.2017]: Communication

[10.11.2017]: Using the Sensors

[17.11.2017]: Using the Display

[24.11.2017]: Presentation of Project Ideas


[09.02.2018]: Final Presentations and Tournament

Slides will be available for Download in ILIAS.


Register via the HISinOne. Attendance is compulsory (Anwesenheitspflicht). During the first weeks, participants will be given concrete tasks. During the semester, the focus will shift towards working on a larger project.

At the end of the semester, each group will give a presentation about their own project.


A forum where question can be discussed is setup in ILIAS.


The final grade will be a composite of your work during the semester and the presentation at the end.


Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge