Sie sind hier: Startseite Lehre Frühere Veranstaltungen Universität Freiburg Energy Informatics (Winter 2019)
Energy Informatics (Winter 2019) kopiert.

Energy Informatics (WS19)


  • 15.10.2019 Web-pages Online
  • 21.10.2019 4pm-6pm, room 051-03-026, first lecture
  • 23.10.2019 4pm-6pm, room 051-03-026, one lecture + one problem session
  • 23.12.2019 no lecture 
  • 08.01.2020 mock exam of the first part 
  • 26.03.2020, 3pm, Inspection of the exam, room 051-03-026 


We start with an introduction into algorithmic concepts used in Computer Science, with the emphasis of Graph algorithms. For this we discuss the problem of shortest paths and the solution provided by Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra. Then we solve the problem of minimum spanning trees and the maximum flow problem. For this problem we show the correspondence to the problem of minimum cut.

Then, we give an introduction into security problems. We discuss security objectives and security mechanisms. For this we introduce basic cryptographic algorithms and protocols. Using this we discuss the structure and inner workings of computer networks using the Internet as an example. We continue this discussion by transferring this knowledge to the area of smart grids.

Data Analysis and System Design are essential techniques we introduce in this lecture. Here, we need to model data, query and update data and react on data changes. It is necessary to model reality and construct appropriate messages for communication. For this we introduce Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Data Base Systems.

Furthermore, we give a comprehensive survey of the area of Energy Informatics and discuss the multi-agent system approach as a method for solving distributed optimization problems in the energy sector.

In addition we invite researchers in the field of Energy Informatics to present their current work.



  • Fabian Schillinger, Computer Networks and Telematics, Department of Computer Science
  • N.N., Programming Languages, Department of Computer Science
  • N.N. Control and Integration of Grids, Department of Sustainable Systems 


  • Monday, 4pm-6pm, 051-03-026, no lectures on 23.12.2019



  • Wednesday, 4pm-6pm 051-03-026



The lecture slides, recordings, exercise sheets will be made available with the ILIAS system. 


There will be a written exam of 90 minutes on 26.02.2020 (room tba), 10 am.


  1. Ottmann, Widmeyer, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Springer, 2008
  2. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, McGraw-Hill, 2004
  3. Andrew S. Tannenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall 2010
  4. Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach 5th edition. Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, Addison-Wesley, 2009

Further literature is given in the lecture.


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