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  • Timo Kumberg, Christian Schindelhauer, Leonhard M. Reindl. Exploiting Concurrent Wake-Up Transmissions Using Beat Frequencies. Sensors 17(8), 2017.
  • Lei Zhang, Danjie Huang, Xinheng Wang, Christian Schindelhauer, Zhi Wang. Acoustic NLOS Identification Using Acoustic Channel Characteristics for Smartphone Indoor Localization. Sensors 17(4), 2017.

  •  Timo Kumberg, Marc Schink, Leonhard M. Reindl, Christian Schindelhauer. T-ROME: A simple and energy efficient tree routing protocol for low-power wake-up receivers. Ad Hoc Networks 59, 2017.


  • Thomas Janson, , Christian Schindelhauer. Turning interferences into noise in ad hocAlexander Traub-Ens networks. Telecommunication Systems 62(2), 2016.


  • Amir Bannoura, Christian Ortolf, Leonhard M. Reindl, Christian Schindelhauer. The wake up dominating set problem. Theoretical Computer Science 608, 2015.
  •  Christian Ortolf, Christian Schindelhauer. Strategies for parallel unaware cleaners. Theor. Comput. Sci. 608, 2015.


  • Johannes Wendeberg and Christian Schindelhauer. Approximation Algorithms for Anchor-free TDoA Localization. Theoretical Computer Science, 2014.


  • Johannes Wendeberg, Fabian Höflinger, Christian Schindelhauer, and Leonhard Reindl. Calibration-free TDOA Self-Localization. Journal of Location Based Services, 2013.


  • Johannes Wendeberg, Thomas Janson, and Christian Schindelhauer, Self-Localization based on Ambient Signals, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 453, pp. 98–109, 2012.


  • Chia Ching Ooi and Christian Schindelhauer. Utilizing Detours for Energy Conservation in Mobile Wireless Networks. In Springer Telecommunication Systems Journal, Vol. 43-1, p. 25-37, 2010


  • Chia Ching Ooi and Christian Schindelhauer. Minimal energy path planning for wireless robots. In ACM/Springer Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Volume 14, Number 3 (2009), 309-321, DOI: 10.1007/s11036-008-0150-5.


  • Christian Schindelhauer, Klaus Volbert, Martin Ziegler, Geometric Spanners with Applications in Wireless Networks, erscheint in International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications: Theory and Applications, Volume 36, Issue 3 , April 2007,  197-214 (prel. version ps/pdf)
  • Aslam F, Uzmi A. Z, Farrel A: Inter-domain Path Computation: Challenges and Solutions for Label Switched Networks IEEE Commun Magagazine, 2007


  • Tamás  Lukovszki, Christian Schindelhauer, Klaus Volbert, Resource Efficient Maintenance of Wireless Network, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 12,  No. 9,  2006, 1292--1311 (pdf).

vor 2006

  • Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Christian Schindelhauer, Klaus Volbert, Matthias Grünewald, Congestion, Dilation, and Energy in Radio Networks, In: Theory of Computing Systems 37 (2004), May, No. 3, 343-370 (ps/pdf). 
  • Andreas Jakoby, Rüdiger Reischuk, Christian Schindelhauer, Malign Distributions for Circuit Complexity, Information and Computation, Vol. 150, 1999, 187-208. (ps/pdf)
  • Andreas Jakoby, Rüdiger Reischuk, Christian Schindelhauer, The Complexity of Broadcasting in Planar and Decomposable Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 83, 1998, 179-206.Editor's choice 1998.
  • Rüdiger Reischuk, Christian Schindelhauer, An Average Complexity Measure That Yields Tight Hierarchies, Computational complexity 1996/1997, 133-173  (ps/pdf)


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