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Distributed Systems

Special lecture in the specialization Information Systems


  • 01.-19.07.2013 Course evaluation
  • 28.03.2013: Webpage online
  • 15.04.2013: First lecture


After an introduction into the world of distributed systems we discuss the following topics.

  • System models
  • Networks and Communication
  • Time and global states
  • Consistency and coordination
  • Distributed transactions
  • Replication

Building upon this several specialized current topics from the following areas will be covered.

  • Mobile distributed systems
  • Distributed web-based systems
  • Distributed Multi-Threading
  • Peer-to-Peer networks


Lecture & Exercises

  • Christian Schindelhauer and Thomas Hornung
    • Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 c.t., Room 101-01-009/013
    • Friday, 14:00 - 16:00 c.t., Room 101-01-009/013


For this lecture a forum is available. Here, substantive and organizational questions can be discussed. A registration is not necessary. 


Lecture dates

  1. Mo 15.04.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Introduction, motivation, organization, synchronization
  2. Fr 19.04.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer)  Time & global states
  3. Fr 26.04.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) System models
  4. Mo 29.04.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Lamport clocks & consistent cuts
  5. Mo 06.05.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Failure models
  6. Fr. 10.05.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Mutual exclusion, election
  7. Mo 13.05.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Multicast, consensus
  8. Mo 27.05. 2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Paxos
  9. Fr 31.05.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Distributed routing
  10. Mo 03.06.2013 (2h – Schindelhauer) Distributed routing and Peer-to-Peer networks
  11. Mo 10.06.2013 (2h – Hornung) Organization, Introduction
  12. Fr 14.06.2013 (2h – Hornung) Distributed system architectures, Transaction model
  13. Mo 17.06.2013  (2h – Hornung) Distributed concurrency control
  14. Mo 24.06.2013  (2h – Hornung) Reliability
  15. Fr 28.06.2013 (2h – Hornung) Replication, Petri Nets [part I]
  16. Mo 01.07.2013 (2h – Hornung) Petri Nets [part II]
  17. Mo 08.07.2013 (2h – Hornung) Petri Nets [part III]
  18. Fr. 12.07.2013 (2h – Hornung) Petri Nets [part IV]
  19. Mo 15.07.2013 (2h – Hornung) MapReduce


Exercise dates

  1. Mo 22.04.2013 (2h – Ortolf) System models
  2. Fr 03.05.2013  (2h – Ortolf) Time, global states
  3. Fr 17.05.2013  (2h – Ortolf) Exclusion, election
  4. Fr 07.06.2013  (2h – Ortolf) Distributed algorithms
  5. Fr 21.06.2013 (2h – Hornung) Concurrency control, recovery
  6. Fr 05.07.2013 (2h – Hornung) Distributed concurrency control, reliability
  7. Fr 19.07.2013 (2h – Hornung) Petri nets

Material Part I (Christian Schindelhauer)

Lecture slides

  1. Organization, intro, definition of distributed systems (version 15.04.2013, lecture 15.04.2013, pdf)
  2. Time and global states (version 26.04.2013, lecture 19./26./29.04.2013 pdf)
  3. System models (version 29.04.2013, lecture 29.04./05.05.2013 pdf)
  4. Coordination and agreement (version 05.05.2013, lecture 10.05.2013 pdf)
  5. Paxos (version 27.05.2013, lecture 27.05.2013 pdf)
  6. Distributed routing (version 31.05.2013, lecture 31.05./03.06.2013 pdf)
  7. Peer-to-Peer-Networks (version 03.05.2013, lecture 31.05.2013 pdf)


  1. Lecture 15.04.2013, organization, introduction, distributed systems and challenges. Part A, Part B, annotated slides
  2. Lecture 19.04.2013, time, global states Part A, Part B, annotated slides
  3. Lecture 26.04.2013, time, global states mp4, annotated slides
  4. Lecture 29.04.2013, time, global states mp4 annotated slides, system models mp4 annotated slides
  5. Lecture 06.05.2013, system models mp4 annotated slides, mutual exclusion mp4 annotated slides
  6. Lecture 10.05.2013, mutual agreement, election, multicast mp4 annotated slides
  7. Lecture 13.05.2013, multicast, consensus, mp4 annotated slides
  8. Lecture 27.05.2013, Paxos,  Part APart B, annotated slides
  9. Lecture 31.05.2013, Distributed Routing, mp4, annotated slides
  10. Lecture 03.06.2013, Peer-to-Peer networks,  Part A,  annotated slidesPart B, annotated slides


Excercises can be submitted using this Web Portal

  1. Exercise (pdf Last Change 2013/04/18, Discussion 2013/04/23)
  2. Exercise (pdf Last Change 2013/04/26, Discussion 2013/05/03)
  3. Exercise (zip Last Change 2013/05/10, Discussion 2013/05/17)
  4. Exercise (pdf Last Change 2013/06/03, Discussion 2013/06/07)

Material Part II (Thomas Hornung)

Lecture slides

  1. Organization (version 10.06.2013, lecture 10.06.2013, pdf)
  2. Introduction (version 24.06.2013, lecture 24.06.2013, pdf)
  3. Distributed Systems Architectures (version 24.06.2013, lecture 14.06.2013, pdf)
  4. Transaction Model (version 24.06.2013, lecture 14.06.2013, pdf)
  5. Distributed Concurreny Control (version 05.07.2013, lecture 17.06.2013, pdf)
  6. Reliability (version 25.06.2013, lecture 24.06.2013, pdf)
  7. Replication (version 28.06.2013, lecture 28.06.2013, pdf)
  8. Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Applications (version 01.07.2013, lecture 28.06./01.07./08.07./12.07.2013, pdf)
  9. Distributed Processing of Big Data (version 15.07.2013, lecture 15.07.2013, pdf)


  1. Lecture 10.06.2013, organization, introduction mp4, annotated slides
  2. Lecture 14.06.2013, distributed systems architectures, transaction model mp4, annotated slides
  3. Lecture 17.06.2013, distributed concurrency control mp4, annotated slides
  4. Lecture 24.06.2013, reliability mp4, annotated slides
  5. Lecture 28.06.2013, replication, Petri nets [part I] mp4, annotated slides
  6. Lecture 01.07.2013, Petri nets [part II] mp4, annotated slides
  7. Lecture 08.07.2013, Petri nets [part III] mp4, annotated slides
  8. Lecture 12.07.2013, Petri nets [part IV] mp4, annotated slides
  9. Lecture 15.07.2013, MapReduce mp4, annotated slides


Please note that exercises cannot be uploaded to the Web portal as in part I of the lecture, but should be presented by students to their peers, if there is sufficient participation.

  1. Exercise (pdf Last Change 2013/06/12, Discussion 2013/06/21)
  2. Exercise (pdf Last Change 2013/06/19, Discussion 2013/07/05)
  3. Exercise (pdf Last Change 2013/07/01, Discussion 2013/07/19)


There will be an oral exam in the examination period. Please register on-line using the campus management system. There are no requirements for the registration and please observe the registration deadline.



  • Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, Jean Dollimore, George Coulouris, Tim Kindberg, 3rd edition, Pearson Studium, 2002.
  • Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, Andrew Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen, 2nd edition, pearson Studium, 2007
  • Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M.T. Özsu, P. Valduriez, 3rd edition, Springer, 2001. [Part II of the lecture]
  • Transactional Information Systems, G. Weikum, G. Vossen, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.
  • Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, T. White, 3rd edition, O'Reilly Media, 2012 [only relevant for the session on Big Data]

Further references will be published here during the lecture.

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